

We see many people with varying levels of Endometriosis and Menstrual pain every day in the clinic, and March is Endometriosis Awareness Month - a time to recognise people living with Endometriosis, so that they feel heard, seen and supported. What is Endometriosis? ...
Thyroid health and fertility

Thyroid health and fertility

Hormones are incredibly important during the fertility stages, however often the thyroid hormones are neglected over the reproductive hormones, such as oestrogen. Your thyroid is a butterfly shaped gland located at the front of your neck that produces hormones to...
Period blood colour

Period blood colour

1 December 2020 - Anouk Schepers | If you've seen an acupuncturist for menstrual issues, you've probably been asked all kinds of questions about your menstrual blood. Do you have heavy periods, what color is your blood and do you have blood clots? The more we know,...