
herbs: Shan Zha- Hawthorn fruit
Get that kettle boiling, grab a cuppa and enjoy your tea. 

Warm and Sour, tart and refreshing.
A great herb to have on hand as we head into the Christmas season, where overindulgence in rich foods and party foods happens a little more, sometimes leaving us feeling a bit full and uncomfortable!
Traditionally, this herb was used to 'reduce food stagnation' especially from meat and greasy foods, it is said to 'awaken the Spleen, unbind the Stomach and promote digestion.  Some Chinese Medicine formulas also include this herb to alleviate post partum abdominal pain due to his warming and blood invigorating properties. 

To take: Add 5-6 berries to a pot, Add boiling water, let steep for 5 minutes. Sip frequently. 

Contraindications: Strictly not for use during pregnancy. 










Weight loss tea 1